Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lingerie Art Body Painting

Researchers are finding that what girls see on the pages of their favorite magazines and what they see dancing in front of them in music videos can affect how they feel. Why? These media outlets paint an unrealistic picture of what a girl's body should look like and these everyday girls aren't fitting the bill.
Do magazine models influence the body esteem of girls?
Researchers from the University of Minnesota published a study in the 2007 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics. They suggested that adolescent girls who read about diet and weight loss in magazine articles can be negatively influenced years later.
Magazines feature impossibly thin supermodels next to "back-to-school" diet plans and tips for getting your body into "bikini-bearing" shape. Cover headlines scream; "50 Shortcuts to a Sexier Body" (Glamour) or "6 Ways to Thin

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